Dear Friends in Christ,
The Holy Innocents: " These were purchased from among men, the first-fruits to God and the Lamb, for they are without spot before the throne of God." So the Church describes the Holy Innocents, who were cruelly slain by Herod." And Saint Matthew tells us ( 2:18)" A voice was heard in Rama, lamentation and great mourning; it was Rachel weeping for her children and would not be comforted, because none is left."
Sadly, but surely the story of the Holy Innocents lives on in today's world. Children are often the innocent victim of war, of crime and of destruction. An exemple would be to how many children are involved in prostetution, how many children suffer because of the lack of food, and how many children suffer because of slave labour?
This evening, could we spend some time praying for all children, who are suffering through no fault of their own! Are we in a position within the society we live in to protect all children ? Are there any opportunities that you and I have missed ? In this part of the world, the South Island of New Zealand and the city of Christchurch, so many very young people wander the streets, being sexually abused, because they are dependant on drugs. In New Zealand and we have to confess this to our great shame, our figures relating to child abuse in the family circle are shocking.
Children are very special to our Lord Jesus Christ, not only did they have a special place in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but they have also taken a special place in heaven, see The Apocalypse of Saint John 14;1-5 - "These ( that is the children, the Holy Innocents ) are the Lamb's attendants, wherever He goes; these have been ransomed for God the Lamb as the first-fruits of mankind.Falsehood was not found on their lips, they stand there untainted before the throne of God. "
God has given us many talents, do we really use them all? Here is a challenge for young and old - if you are in your twenties, thirties , forties, fifties and older, God can call you to do something about today's Holy Innocents. God calls you and I, all of us, do we hear His Call?
Ed Bakker
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