Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Feria - Emberday

Friends in Christ,
Today there is a contrast between the Superiority of the Heavenly Food of Christ's Body and Blood and the material food from which we meant to be abstaining by fasting. In the Holy Gospel for today, which comes from Blessed Saint John, chapter 6, the verses 44-52, Jesus reminds us that He is the Bread of Life, which has come down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he shall live for ever. It also underlines the importance to come to Mass and parttake in His Body and His Blood and also to be part of the Body of Christ, being his Church. You cannot be a Catholic Christian by staying at home and just saying your prayers. By receiving this Heavenly Sacrament time and time again, we implore the Mercy of Christ, so that what we fullfill in this life, we may also posess in a Happy Eternity.
May I wish you a blessed day,
Postulant TAC New Zealand