Thursday, July 13, 2006


Friends in Christ,
Matthew 10:1-7
Jesus gave the apostles authority to cast out demons and heal every illness (Matthew 10:1). But the apostles didn’t come to that point unprepared. First, Jesus called each of them to repent and follow him (4:17-22). Then followed a period of instruction, during which he taught them what the kingdom of God is (chapters 5-7). Then through a series of miracles, he showed them what the kingdom of God is (chapters 8-9). Finally, he said to his disciples, “Now you go out and do it” (10:1).
Jesus has inaugurated the kingdom—it’s here on earth—that’s a fact. And we have been called to repent and follow him. At Mass or at home, we have his word in Scripture, the teachings of the church, and the lives of the saints to instruct us and demonstrate the life we are to live in his kingdom. As disciples, we too are called to move from the “repent-and-follow-me” stage, through the instruction phase, to the “now-you-do-it” phase. What could be more exciting?
It can be easy to want to tread continually in the instruction phase. After all, who could ever plumb the depths of the wisdom and knowledge of God? But the kingdom of God does not depend on what we know. It depends on the power of the Spirit working through us as we bring the good news of the kingdom—indeed, the kingdom itself—to those who don’t know the glory of it.
So how can you “go out and do it” today? What steps can you take to build the kingdom of God in your home or neighborhood? The first thing is to trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you and empower you. Then, in prayer, imagine sitting with Jesus and ask him, “How do you want me to bring healing or wisdom or hope or encouragement to the people in my life today?” Then think about two or three situations that you know you will encounter today and see if you can sense the Spirit’s guidance. Who knows? Today just may be the day when a friend experiences a breakthrough in his faith—and you just may be the one to help him along!
“Jesus, I want to join you as a laborer in your harvest. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might bring the good news of your kingdom to those close to me.”
Hosea 10:1-3,7-8,12; Psalm 105:2-7
With every good wish in Christ,
Ed Bakker

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