Thursday, April 05, 2007

Maunday Thursday

Dear Friends in Christ,
Christian greetings to you all on this Maundy Thursday , when Priests and people celebrate the institution of the Lord's Supper - the commoration of His Last Supper here on earth. Jesus left to us the Blessed Eucharist as a token of His love for us.
Over the years, in the role of Subdeacon, I had the privilege to take part in the Liturgical observance of Maundy Thursday and for instance assisted the Celebrant of the Mass with the feet washing ceremony. You recall how Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples and this is reinacted in the Mass.
What stands out clearly , is the theme of this ceremony, see Saint John 13:34 ' I have a new commandment to give you, that you are to love one another: that your love for one another is to be like the love I have borne you, says the Lord.
and rising from supper , after the Lord Jesus washed the feet of His disciples He said to them:' Do you understand what I, your Lord and Master, have done for you? I have set you the exemple that you may do likewise."
Some of the antphons , which are sung during this Ceremony all focus on Charity and Love and I close this evening with one of them :
'Where there is Charity and Love, God is present.
Response: We have been made one by the love of Christ.
Response: Let us be glad and rejoice in Him
Response: Let us reverence and love the living God.
Response: And love each other with pure hearts. "
May you and I in the course of our lives truly follow that direction.
Ed Bakker - Postulant TAC New Zealand

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