Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter Thursday 20 April 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Luke 24:35-48


Why are you frightened, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? (Luke 24:38).
Despite Jesus’ seeming surprise, we can easily understand the disciples’ reaction. The one who had been nailed to the cross and laid in the tomb was now standing in front of them! Who wouldn’t be startled and terrified?

Doubt is a human reaction. Even the saints had doubts. The great doctor of the church, St. Thomas Aquinas, once sighed to God, “I do not know if you love me, or if I love you. . . . I do not even know if I live by faith!” Or recall the other “doubting Thomas” who wouldn’t believe unless he could put his finger into the wounds of the risen Christ (John 20:25).

Jesus sometimes challenged his disciples to have greater faith. But he never discouraged them from bringing their doubts and fears to him. When they did, he always gave them the help they needed. Consider his response to his disciples in today’s passage: “Touch me and see” (Luke 24:39). He even ate in front of them to dispel their suspicion that he might be a ghost or a figment of their imaginations. He was more than willing to help them put their fears to rest.

Like the disciples, we can be honest with Jesus. He will never condemn us for questioning. He understands our fears and doubts. He wants to help us get past them so we can draw closer to him. Jesus invites us to lay our questions and misgivings at his feet. Only then can they be resolved. He doesn’t want us to try to go it alone rather than risk offending him with “silly questions.”

Today, why not bring some area of unbelief in your heart to Jesus? It might be uncertainty of his love for you or a doubt that he has your best interests in mind. He already knows your heart and your needs, but he never fails to welcome those who come to him in honesty and humility. Remember, he is always gentle, merciful, and patient beyond measure.

“Lord, thank you for not condemning me when doubts arise in my heart. Send your Spirit of peace where there is confusion or fear. May the reality of your perfect love for me cast out every fear hidden in my heart.”

Acts 3:11-26; Psalm 8:2,5-9

Thanks be to God.....