Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Feria, Wednesday 10 May 2006

Meditation Acts 12:24–13:5
It probably didn’t look like much, but the prayer gathering where Paul and Barnabas were singled out for missionary work marked the beginning of journeys that changed the world. From now on, Paul would spend most of his time traveling—preaching the gospel and establishing churches. Do you think that, as he was prayed over, Paul felt like a hero? Do you think he guessed how successful he would be? Not at all! He and Bar-nabas simply responded to God’s word, and from their obedience to the prophetic sense of their local church, there came great fruit for the whole church.
Maybe you don’t feel like a hero or a person with a great mission either. But how do you know that God isn’t calling you to be one of the church’s great heroes and saints? One thing is certain: God has a specific plan and calling for you. He has commissioned you to serve him as an indispensable minister of the gospel—perhaps in your family, at work, in school, around town, in prison, in your parish, or in some combination of these settings. Believe it or not, God wants to use you to build his kingdom!
Of course, not everybody is a pastor or an apostle. But have you ever considered whether God is calling you to other ministries which are important, but less obvious? Take intercession: How would the church survive without people who give themselves to prayer? Perhaps you have a gift for forming young people so that they can come to know God in a personal way. If you have a heart for service, you can inspire others by the way you do even the smallest job in the church with joy.
It doesn’t matter one bit whether God has called you to serve him in ways that seem important or in others that don’t. To him, they’re all important! Young or old, businesspeople or housewives, inmates or college students—whatever we are, wherever we are, each of us has a specific calling and commission. Even in the most hidden life, there will be mountains to move and plenty of room for heroism. Empowered by the Spirit, may we rise to every challenge!
“Jesus, I want to answer your call in my life. Help me to discern your voice, and give me the courage to obey you.”
Psalm 67:2-3,5-6,8; John 12:44-50

May you have a blessed day.
