Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Friends in Christ,

To what extent do Gospel values permeate my behavior?
It is a question that brings me face to face with the degree of my Christian authenticity and integrity.
In the workplace I'm constantly encouraged to do my best by recalling the words of Holy Scripture that remind me that, in serving my neighbor, I'm serving God. They help me curb the natural tension that arises when I think I'm being asked to do what seems impossible and give me joy in knowing that, in trying my best, I'm pleasing the Lord.
We must utilize the Word of God to help us with the many trials of life. We should memorize and be familiar with the verses that assist us to become more Christlike and help us willingly bear the necessary burdens in life.
I, for one, love these words from today’s Gospel (see Luke 17:10) that put things in their proper perspective for me: "We are useless servants. We have done no more than our duty." To do what is my duty with fidelity and joy, is what God expects.
This should always be my habitual attitude and response. In addition, just to make certain I don’t forget, I also like to remember that "You must never grow weary of doing what is right brothers; He whom you serve is the Lord." (see 2 Thessalonians 3:13)
Oh, do those words ever help me! I pray they will help you too!
With every good wish in Christ,
Ed Bakker

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