Monday, February 26, 2007


( the image represents the sanctuary of Saint Stephens Anglican Catholic Church, Athens Texas, USA )

Friends in Christ,

Mark 9:30-37

Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me. As Catholics, we are taught that our churches are holy ground. That’s because the Blessed Sacrament, the body of Christ, is placed inside the tabernacle on our altars. It’s for this reason that we genuflect before sitting down or leaving our seats. It’s an outward sign that we acknowledge Jesus as our King, that we worship and adore him, and that we are willing to receive him into our hearts and submit to his will.
But what about when we leave the church? Jesus is present out there in all the people we meet as well. Everyone, not just those we are close to and comfortable with, is made in the image and likeness of God, and when we see them, we’re really seeing a reflection of his glory. So how do you treat them? Do you show them the honor and respect they deserve? As Jesus tells us, whenever we receive even a little child in his name, we are receiving him.
If we can really grasp this truth, we can understand how it is possible to become “the servant of all” (Mark 9:35). It’s not a matter of just “doing”; it has to start on the inside. When we start to worship God for his greatness and majesty, we begin to see that majesty in his creation as well, and to love this world as he loves it. When we let the Holy Spirit dwell in us, we come to see others’ needs as God sees them, and we want to reach out to them with his compassion.
During this most Holy Season of Lent, let us ask the Lord to help us appreciate the people in our lives. Let’s ask that we would see him more clearly in those we love, and in those we find it hard to love: those who are argumentative and hostile, those who are cold and indifferent, or those who are demanding. This is one way we can deny ourselves—by finding the goodness we can find in such “difficult” people. Who knows? Instead of dreading them, we may end up loving them—and they, in turn, will draw us closer to Jesus!
“Lord, may this Lent be a time when I see the riches you have placed in those around me. Help me to see the blessing that they are. Give me your Spirit to bless them in return!”

God bless you,


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