Friday, September 01, 2006

Saint Giles, Abbott - 720

Friends in Christ,
Yet, we have reached the end of another working week and the weekend is upon us. How has your week been?Yesterday I talked about Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne and what a great exemple he has been to us. Today we remember Saint Giles, but I do want to touch briefly on another subject. I was talking to a Priest this week, who had give instructions to the young in relation to the preparation for Holy Communion. He told me that so many young people have no concept of sins. They dont think that they commit any sins themselves.
Why is this? It points to a lack of teaching by the parents, but also to a lack of teaching in the Church. How often do we hear a sermon about sin and not sinning? Not really that often. Teaching the young from the beginning the difference between right and wrong is essential and I pray that we may take stock and do something about this issue.

A blessed weekend everyone,

Ed Bakker

Postulant TAC - New Zealand

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