Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Saint John Chrysostom, Abp of Constantinople 497

( picture : High Mass - the laying on of incense )
Friends in Christ,

The old cliché says, "Good things come to those who wait." The thing is, many times I find this cliché hard to believe. For instance, when I am waiting in line at the bank, waiting for a colleague to complete part of a large project so we can move ahead, or waiting for word that I have gotten the new job I applied for. In these instances I have found that the waiting, or what follows it–usually unwelcome news–is not all that good.
I also find it hard to find the good in poverty, hunger, crying and persecution. These seem to be things that we should cure and tackle head-on to eliminate suffering in our world, and in many cases we DO that. But here is where the old cliché comes back into play. Our Lord promises that good things will come, and for all eternity in his kingdom.
The Beatitudes are difficult to understand and I admit that I sometimes struggle with them. But I know for certain that the Lord’s promises are true and in times of pain we can be sure that a better future awaits.
Yours in Christ,

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